Computer man

Ansible is different from Puppet in that it is agentless. Ansible can be set up and running without installing software on each machine. This speeds time-to-value for Ansible users. Also, Ansible uses the humanreadable data-serialization language YAML to define installations. Different users find this to be either a plus or a minus when compared to Puppet Script, and since writing scripts is a big part of both tools’ usage, it is worth determining the organization’s preference.

Also since its acquisition by Red Hat, Ansible now offers tighter integrations to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) stack that could make it a favorable selection.

For organizations that have yet to adopt deployment automation, it is worth the effort to look at all the deployment automation tools and determine which will work best for their enterprise. Many of these automation tools are also capable of providing either a complete CI, CD and ARA pipeline or integrations with popular tools in that area.

Below is the enviorment, We will setup for ansible
[Asible Server] | ---------------- [Ansible Nodes],

Lets start to setup Ansible:-

Step:1 Set EPEL repository
[root@server ~]# yum install epel-release -y

Step:2 Install Ansible using yum command
[root@server ~]# yum install ansible
[root@server ~]# ansible --version

Step:3 Setup keys based SSH authentication
[root@server ~]# ssh-keygen
#Use ssh-copy-id command to copy public key of Ansible server to its nodes.

Step:4 Define the nodes or inventory of servers for Ansible.
[root@server ~]# vi /etc/ansible/hosts

Step:5 Now try to run the Commands from Ansible Server.
#Check the uptime of Ansible nodes
[root@server ~]# ansible -m ping 'my-servers'
# Adding a user to the nodes [root@server ~]# ansible -m command -a "useradd amy" 'my-servers'
#Redirecting the output of command to a file
[root@server ~]# ansible -m command -a "df -Th" 'my-servers' > /command-output.txt

Now, You are ready to use ansible.
Please email me if you face any issue.




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