Computer man
Configure LVM on Centos7

Manage physical Volumes:

This is the basic operation of managing physical Volumes.

Create physical Volume:-

[root@server ~]# pvcreate /dev/sdb1
Physical volume "/dev/sdb1" successfully created
# specify like follows if you'd like to specify volume size
[root@server ~]# pvcreate --setphysicalvolumesize 40G /dev/sdb1
Physical volume "/dev/sdb1" successfully created <>bruse_localtime=YES

Display physical Volumes

# To display physical volumes
[root@server ~]# pvdisplay /dev/sdb1

Change size of physical Volume

# change to 40G
[root@server ~]# pvresize --setphysicalvolumesize 40G /dev/sdb1
Physical volume "/dev/sdb1" changed
1 physical volume(s) resized / 0 physical volume(s) not resized

[root@server ~]# pvdisplay /dev/sdb1

Display reports of physical Volumes.

[root@server ~]# pvs /dev/sdb1

To Scan physical Volumes.

[root@server ~]# pvscan

To Delete physical Volume

[root@server ~]# pvremove /dev/sdb1
Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdb1" successfully wiped
[root@server ~]# pvdisplay /dev/sdb1
Failed to find physical volume "/dev/sdb1".

Manage Volumes Grouops:

This is the basic operation of managing physical Volumes.

Create Volume Group from PV /dev/sdb1:-

[root@server ~]# vgcreate vg_svr /dev/sdb1

Display Volumes Groups

[root@server ~]# vgdisplay vg_svr

Change Volume Group's name

[root@server ~]# vgrename vg_srv vg_example
Volume group "vg_srv" successfully renamed to "vg_example" vgdisplay

[root@server ~]# vgdisplay vg_example

Display reports of Volume Groups

[root@server ~]# vgs

To Scan Volume Groups

[root@server ~]# vgscan

To Delete Volume Group

# disable target volume group first and delete it
[root@server ~]# vgchange -a n vg_example
0 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg_example" now active
[root@server ~]# vgremove vg_example
Volume group "vg_example" successfully removed

Manage Logical Volumes:

This is the basic operation of managing Logical Volumes.

Create Logical Volume from VG vg_example:-

[root@server ~]# lvcreate -L 50G -n lv_data vg_srv

Display Logical Volumes.

[root@server ~]# lvdisplay /dev/vg_srv/lv_data

Rename Logical Volume

[root@server ~]# lvrename vg_srv lv_data lv_example
Renamed "lv_data" to "lv_example" in volume group "vg_srv"

[root@server ~]# lvdisplay /dev/vg_srv/lv_example

Display reports of Logical Volumes

[root@server ~]# lvs

To Scan Logical Volumes

[root@server ~]# lvscan
[root@server ~]# lvdisplay

Extend Logical Volume.

[root@server ~]# lvextend -L 60G /dev/vg_srv/lv_example
#for the case of extending ext4 filesystem
[root@server ~]# lvdisplay /dev/vg_srv/lv_example
[root@server ~]# resize2fs

Reduce Logical Volume.

#Unmount target device first.
# for ext4, check it first
[root@server ~]# e2fsck -f /dev/vg_srv/lv_example 20G
[root@server ~]# resize2fs /dev/vg_srv/lv_example 20G
#reduce logical volmue at last
[root@server ~]# lvreduce -L 20G /dev/vg_srv/lv_example

To Delete Logical Volume. first unmount then stop logical volume then delete logical volume

# disable target volume group first and delete it
[root@server ~]# lvchange -an /dev/vg_srv/lv_example
0 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg_example" now active
[root@server ~]# lvremove /dev/vg_srv/lv_example
Logical volume "lv_example" successfully removed
Please email me if you face any issue.




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